You are between 22 and 55, in good health, please come and help
Contact :
Category 1 – for logistics and delivery of supplies such as food, medicines, etc. For those who have tested negative supplies will be delivered to the building and then left outside the door of the quarantined person. For those who have tested positive, supplies will be brought to the gate of the compound only, not even to the building itself, so volunteers in this category will not come in contact with the isolated individual(s).
Category 2 – should be willing to serve quarantined persons, both positive or negative cases, for basic necessities, without any direct contact, but physical presence inside the facility will be required. Hence, it will be mandatory to wear protective gear. This category will undergo basic training with a paramedic professional.
Category 3 – willing to be available on a rotational basis as a physical presence at the facility, in order to offer additional support and point of contact as required.
Category 4 – URGENT NEED for driving people in an Omni van belonging to the Visitors’ Center, to the Covid testing center, with proper protection. This category will undergo basic training for wearing protective gear, as well as the protocols to be followed while on duty and cleaning of vehicle. These volunteers must be Aurovilian and be covered under the Health Fund or private health insurance that covers Covid 19. Indian driver’s license is also a must.
(Call from Covid 19 task force and working committee)