Quiet Beach Clean Up Action!
Auroville PLOGGING!

If you want to join me, call me on the 9600643366 or send me a mail at poissonkarine@yahoo.fr
Plogging is a Swedish term which means picking up garbage while jogging or exercising.
Karine, plogger around Luminosity!
I love walking into the nature. I’ve been living all my life in the country side, away from cities pollution. I’m completely aware that I need to exercise every day and even more, while getting older. I am 51 years old. When I came to Auroville, I start walking on the “sentiers” to discover unknown places, communities, peoples and dogs. I was feeling so good to be at last here, in this wonderful place, AUROVILLE, the city of Truth.
So every morning, I was having an appointment with the nature of Auroville roads. After few weeks doing that and enjoying it, I thought I could join (l’utile à l’agréable) by bringing a bag with me to collect the waste. Because, those great red soil roads were sooooo polluted by cans, plastics and glass bottles, multi-layer packagings, masks, etc…I had to do something.
So I stitched myself a bag out of a construction 20 litters bag, and transform it in a Waste BackPack to carry the waste during my walk. I also love to walk with walking sticks to improve the benefits of muscles workout and actually, those sticks were also very useful to grab the waste. I also bring 6 cookies for my cute little dogs. If you could see how happy they are when they ear my strange walking sound with those sticks and they know they will receive my little gifts. Their happiness make my happy day. After an hour of walking, my bag is quiet full. I empty it on the trash bins of my community. It’s always a great moment to do my morning routine, even if I don’t understand how human can be that non responsible and detached from the nature to think the soil will absorb their trash. I dream of a place cleaner, an India cleaner, a World cleaner. So I do my part.
If you want to join me, call me on the 9600643366 or send me a mail at poissonkarine@yahoo.fr
Sea ploggers – Interview with Satya and Andrea
During the recent lockdown a few of us have come together to clean the beaches near Auroville. We have formed a group called “Sea Ploggers”
To join our whatsApp group please send me your name to 9442341398.

Tanto’s beach on Wednesday 4-6pm
Quiet Beach on Saturday at 4-6 pm
Sorting and recycling work at Terra Soul Farm’s Makers Space in Auroville from 10.00 to 1.00 every morning except Sunday.
Our Beach clean up group is making a positive impact on our beaches and in our community’s minds and hearts.
We are a group of volunteers from different backgrounds, places and ages that come together to collect, sort and recycle or upcycle all kinds of trash. We have met regularly for several months to enjoy the ocean and beach together and to do this beach clean up Karma yoga or service.
We invite you: whether a resident or visitor; an Aurovillian or local villager; a child youth, adult or senior citizen to join and share our passion for a cleaner beach and ocean and a way of living more sustainably and restoratively on our beautiful planet earth.
We hope you will come to one of the fun beach clean ups: currently at Tanto’s beach (across from Puducherry University) on Saturday at 4-6 pm ans Quiet's beach on Wednesday at 4-6pm. And also please come help our amazing plastic sorting and recycling work at Terra Soul Farm’s Makers Space in Auroville from 10.00 to 1.00 every morning except Sunday.
Please look at our poster and listen to the Auroville Radio podcast for more information. Thank you
Contact Livia for whatsapp group: +91 80564 61257
Instagram: @zerowastebeach
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/indiabeachcleanup/
Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/D4h2yzoNGvK1tEFgOqEGfN
For plastic recycling contact Minvayu Makerspace (at Terra Soul Farm) minvayu@gmail.com
Article about our team on Yourspositively.com