"The end of a stage of evolution is usually marked by a powerful recrudescence of all that has to go out of the evolution."
Sri Aurobindo

Deep Adaptation Auroville

DEEP ADAPTATION Auroville is a collective of information exchange on climate change, the socio-environmental collapse and adaptation to its consequences in Auroville and the bioregion in order to move into practical actions towards more mutual-aid and solidarity, resilience and sustainability.

On line workshop: How to reduce your daily waste?

How to reduce your daily waste?

For a special introductory price, a one-hour webinar on how to reduce your daily waste, brought to you by Laure, a zero-waste champion!

To register:https://agpworkshops.com/workshops/how-to-reduce-your-daily-waste/
Contact Priya: +918608217030 – (WhatsApp/SMS: messaging only)