Quiet Beach Environment Disaster: We need your help!

Come to clean the beach at Quiet this WEDNESDAY at 3.00 PM.
Bring gloves, Mamati and knife to cut the tarpaulin and bags and remove the stones from the bags.
Dear friends,
There’s a massive environmental disaster happening at Quiet beach.
If we don’t act fast tons of plastic will go into the sea & the marine life will be severely damaged.
The huge plastic sheets & plastic bags that Quiet had put all along it’s borders are slowly being swallowed by the sea. Some of us are deeply concerned as all this plastic is going to severely harm and kill sea creatures.
Come to clean the beach at Quiet this WEDNESDAY at 3.00 PM.
It’s a very sad situation there after the cyclones hit our coast.
We want to collect all this plastic. Since the cyclone, the sea has destroyed the sea wall which was constructed with plastic bags filled with stones and covered with plastic tarpaulins. Some of these sheets have gone deep into the sand.
We need lots of manpower to be able to dig and pull out all this plastic before the sea swallows it.
Quiet Beach, Wednesday 23th Dec. 3.00pm.
Bring gloves, Mamati and knife to cut the tarpaulin and bags and remove the stones from the bags.
All plastic will be taken to Minvayu at Terrasoul for recycling.